5 Next Steps When You Are Concerned About an Aging Parent

5 Next Steps When You Are Concerned About an Aging Parent

As your parents begin to settle into their final phase of life, their health, residence, and finances could become a factor in your retirement planning. This is especially true if you are the person your parents have tasked with settling their estates.

There’s no simple way to tackle all the logistical and emotional challenges associated with caring for an aging parent. But these five steps will help you get the help you’ll need to make sure your parent is safe, cared for, and financially secure.


No two families are the same, but in most cases, you’re going to want to gather together all siblings and close family members for an open and honest discussion.

Depending on the parent’s condition, you might consider dividing up a caregiving or visitation schedule. Even pitching in on small day-to-day tasks like helping mum or dad buy groceries can be a big help.

If you’re contemplating a more serious decision, like assisted living, make sure you give everyone space to voice an opinion. Try to keep the conversation as positive and solution-focused as possible.


Shifting from the role of adult child to caregiver is going to be a difficult transition for both you and your parent. Don’t try to do too much too soon.

Seniors who feel like they’re being “babied” are prone to depression or dangerous outbursts of independence, like grabbing the car keys or refusing to take medication.

A better approach is to try to frame your caregiving as a way of being more involved in your parent’s current routine. Take a seat at dad’s weekly card game. Put the grandkids’ sports and performance events on the calendar and offer transportation. Bring an extra dish to a dinner party. Drive mum to the movies etc.


If your parent doesn’t keep all important documents in one location, now is the time to collect, copy, and file things like:

  • Identification (driver’s license, passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, etc.)
  • Bank records
  • Home deeds and vehicle titles
  • Insurance records
  • Investment and superannuation records
  • Wills and trusts
  • Power of attorney
  • Advanced health directives
  • Login information for important online accounts (banking, subscriptions, social media)

There may be other documents that are unique to your parent’s living or financial situation.


Start attending doctor’s appointments. Don’t be afraid to ask questions that will help you familiarize yourself with your parent’s medical condition and aid with any at-home care like prescription drugs.

Also ask your parent to introduce you to his or her advisers such as accountant, solicitor and financial adviser. Make sure the relevant professionals have all important information about changes to your parent’s health, mental capacity, or living situation.


At some point, your aging parent may no longer be self-sufficient. The earlier that you and your close family members decide upon an action plan, the better.

Do you or anyone in your family have the room, the time, and the means to take in your parent? How can non-caregiving siblings or other family members chip in on associated costs of living?


There are a range of government support packages to help seniors receive personal and nursing care services at their own homes.

If moving to an assisted living facility is a more realistic option, you need to understand the different costs associated with entering and staying in such a facility, the different ways to pay for these costs and their impacts on any social security benefits your parents may be receiving.

None of these steps are easy, and none of the associated options your family settles on will be perfect. The sooner you start planning on how to care for an aging parent and how to fund the selected option, the more you can concentrate on giving your family the love and support it needs during this difficult time.