Do you treat yourself as well as you treat your friends

Do you treat yourself as well as you treat your friends

Christmas is only a week away! While Christmas is all about sharing the spirit of love and giving, do you treat yourself as well as you treat your friends and family?

I want to share with you an article from New York Times on comparing the grace we extend to ourselves and to others.

When we don’t meet our expectations or standards, our inner voices start to criticise our mistakes and imperfections. It often feels that everyone else is doing better and we are the only ones that are inadequate.

As 2018 draws to a close, let’s extend more grace to ourselves for everything we did well and not so well. Let’s have more self-compassion and be content with our past decisions and actions.

Remember – we always made the best decisions given the circumstances we were in and the information we had. We are always where we’re meant to be.


“Isn’t it interesting that when others fail, we tend to admire them for trying? Yet when we fail, we beat ourselves up for the very same thing. Not only that, but isn’t it also amazing how quickly we forgive and forget other people’s mistakes and how long we hold onto our own?”

Check out the article here.
We See Others’ Failures as Courageous. We See Our Own as Shameful. Why?