Goal setting and planning: 90% of time a plane is off its path

Goal setting and planning: 90% of time a plane is off its path

Did you know that a plane is off its designated course 90% of the time during its flight? How does it then still reach its destination on time?

Well, it’s because there’s a destination and flight plan. The autopilot is constantly evaluating the plane’s position relative to the destination and course-correcting.

We need to do the same with our money.

Life is full of uncertainty and change is constant, just like turbulence experienced by a plane. But if we know where we want to go and have a plan, we can continually course-correct and be confident that we’ll get there.

Without goals and a plan, we simply don’t know where our money is taking us. And the bad news is we won’t like this unknown destination and by the time we get there it’s too late to do anything about it!

What are your MONEY goals for 2023? What do you need to CHANGE about the way you manage your money THIS YEAR?