Why Financial Advice Isn’t What You Think

Why Financial Advice Isn’t What You Think

Oftentimes when people come to see me for financial advice, they expect to learn about some hidden tax strategy or an investment vehicle with high return and low risk so they can solve all their money problems.

The fact is, there’s no secret formula I can share that you can’t already find on the internet.

Real financial planning requires you to roll up your sleeves and do the heavy-lifting:

  • Change those unhelpful mindsets and behaviours around money.
  • Make compromises among your goals, whether it’s a bigger home, travel, funding your kids’ education or planning early retirement.
  • Find the right balance between saving for the future and enjoying life now.
  • Invest even when you’re scared and the future looks uncertain.
  • Stick to your plan despite the curveballs life throws at you.

My job is to help you

  1. ESTABLISH THE GOAL POSTS – I’ll show you the different options and their outcomes so you can make informed decisions about which path might be right for you.
  2. CREATE AND EXECUTE A PLAN – We’ll map out each step of the chosen path towards your goal posts and get moving.
  3. HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE – I’m here to make sure you stay on track and don’t quit.

I know this is very different from what many expect from a typical financial planner, but it’s the best way I know to achieving your goals with a peace of mind.